Who are we?
The Cassol Lab is a group of interdisciplinary researchers investigating the role of macrophages in maintaining tissue homeostasis and their role in development of various communicable and non-communicable diseases. Our research is focused on understanding how 1) cellular metabolism and 2) the tissue microenvironment regulates macrophage function and dysfunction. To do this we use a variety of immunological and biochemical techniques combined with tissue engineering and advanced imaging approaches.
Innate sensing and cellular metabolism: role in fine tuning antiviral immune responses
Ahmed D et al.
J Leukoc Biol 2023
HIF-1α Regulation of Cytokine Production following TLR3 Engagement in Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages Is Dependent on Viral Nucleic Acid Length and Glucose Availability
Ahmed D et al.
J Immunol 2021
Label-free two-photon imaging of mitochondrial activity in murine macrophages stimulated with bacterial and viral ligands
Allen H.
Sci Rep, 2021


Life Sciences Day 6.0
May, 2023
Several members of the Cassol lab participated in Carleton's Life Science Day 6.0. Robyn and Rayhane did an excellent job during the poster presentations.

Graduate Mentoring Award
March, 2023
Edana received one of this year's Faculty Graduate Mentoring Awards.

Zoya Graduation Party
January, 2023
So proud of Zoya and the successful defense of her MSc thesis. Festivities were hosted at Hammond Golf Restaurant.